
Yield10 Bioscience Inc.
Jun 27, 20222 min read
Yield10 Bioscience announces winter camelina contract-production opportunity for farmers
U.S. farms located in Montana and Idaho, as well as southern Alberta and Saskatchewan in Canada, are eligible to participate in the program.

Yield10 Bioscience Inc.
Mar 4, 20223 min read
Yield10 pursues value-chain collaborations for launch of camelina line
In 2022, the company will continue expanding the line’s seed scale-up activities and advance field testing of herbicide-tolerant lines.

Global Clean Energy Holdings Inc.
Feb 9, 20222 min read
ExxonMobil to invest $125 million in renewable diesel firm GCEH with 25% equity-stake option
The investment will help GCEH grow its proprietary camelina business in the U.S. and accelerate expansion into Europe and South America.

Ron Kotrba
Jan 3, 20222 min read
Global Clean Energy Holdings acquires Madrid-based camelina firm
Global Clean Energy Holdings Inc. announced Jan. 3 that it has acquired Camelina Company España S.L.