
Feb 262 min read
Olleco opens new UCO-processing plant in Liverpool
The UCO collected by Olleco will be refined in this new facility and then sent through a pipe to its biodiesel plant.

Brazil's Ministry of Mines and Energy
Feb 262 min read
Brazil’s CNPE creates working group to diversify feedstock, include family farmers and small producers in biofuel production
The objective is to develop guidelines and regulatory proposals that encourage sustainability and growth in the sector.

International Sustainability and Carbon Certification System GmbH
Feb 212 min read
International Sustainability and Carbon Certification System issues 1st low-ILUC certificate
The certificate was awarded to Janari Farms, serving as the farmers’ aggregator for Italy’s energy company Eni in Kenya.

Ron Kotrba
Feb 202 min read
OMV Petrom starts construction of renewable diesel, SAF unit at Petrobrazi refinery in Romania
The Petrobrazi refinery will have the capacity to manufacture 250,000 tons of renewable diesel and SAF per year starting in 2028.