
European Parliament
Sep 13, 20232 min read
European Parliament votes to boost deployment of renewable energy
Although biomass from wood will remain classified as renewable energy, MEPs pushed for stricter criteria on biomass use.

Clean Fuels Alliance America
Sep 8, 20233 min read
Vergara to retire as Clean Fuels’ director of state governmental affairs by end of September
Jeff Earl will assume the position of director of state governmental affairs upon the retirement of Floyd Vergara.

U.K. Department for Transport
Sep 6, 20233 min read
UK government to introduce revenue-certainty scheme to support SAF production
The U.K. government said this scheme, along with a mandate for SAF, will provide fuel security, economic growth and jobs.

Karen Potratz
Aug 28, 20234 min read
Momentum building for biodiesel expansion in Michigan
A recent marine biodiesel cruise hosted by MiABC and sponsored by Warner Petroleum informed stakeholders about new initiatives.