
Ron Kotrba
2 days ago2 min read
Canada Border Services Agency launches investigations into alleged dumping, subsidizing of renewable diesel from US
Neither the complaint nor the investigation is related to the ongoing trade dispute between the United States and Canada.

Clean Fuels Alliance America
3 days ago3 min read
Trade groups applaud bipartisan, bicameral Renewable Fuel for Ocean-Going Vessels Act
The legislation would allow biodiesel and renewable diesel used in the maritime sector to preserve RIN credits under the RFS.

Hong Kong Air Cargo Terminals Ltd.
3 days ago2 min read
Shell recognizes Hong Kong Air Cargo Terminals as its 1st strategic collaborator on renewable diesel initiatives
A successful renewable diesel pilot has driven the extension and expansion of cooperation between Shell and Hong Kong Air Cargo Terminals.

European Investment Bank
3 days ago2 min read
European Investment Bank finances Galp’s biofuels, hydrogen projects in Sines, Portugal
The 430-million-euro loan will help construct Galp’s SAF and renewable diesel unit as well as a 100MW electrolyzer at its refinery in Sines.