
Federal Aviation Administration
Aug 19, 20242 min read
US Federal Aviation Administration awards nearly $300 million for SAF projects, low-emission aviation technologies
The grants include $244.5 million for 22 projects that produce, transport, blend or store sustainable aviation fuel.

Aug 16, 20242 min read
USDA awards $90 million in HBIIP grants to 89 biofuel projects in 26 states
The announcement came Aug. 16, on the second anniversary of the Inflation Reduction Act being signed into law.

Ron Kotrba
Aug 15, 20244 min read
Despite solid Q2 performance, Tidewater says subsidized US renewable diesel, overlapping policies fuel Q3 concerns
The Canadian company said it was unable to secure any forward BC LCFS credit sales for the third quarter.

Aug 15, 20242 min read
EcoEngineers to host 2nd LCA Academy in Houston, Texas, Sept. 4-5
Clean-fuel tax-credit applicants will be required to perform an LCA to determine the amount of credit they can receive.