Action plan poised to save liquid home heating fuel industry in new low-carbon reality
As American companies are quickly moving to prepare plans to meet deadlines set by the new Biden administration on carbon emissions, the National Energy & Fuels Institute has an action plan ready. In September 2020, NEFI announced the Providence Resolution, a strategic plan to facilitate the industry’s transition to low carbon, renewable liquid heating fuels.
“The oilheat industry, with renewable liquid heating fuels and increased efficiencies, can reduce net CO2e emissions faster than any electrification effort in both a cost-effective and environmentally-just manner,” said Sean Cota, NEFI’s president and CEO. “But we have a short time window to get a seat at the table, rather than becoming the main course on the menu.”
NEFI officials began planning their strategy to save their industry in mid-2020. By November, they had engaged 60-plus industry stakeholders, to be part of their newly developed communications taskforce, commissioned to develop blueprint documents with tailored messaging for policymakers, customers, and dealers that will guide the industry and support a unified message as the timeline for the resolution moves ahead.
NEFI is happy to announce the launch of a major initiative in making the Providence Resolution a reality—the creation of the NEFI Resource Center. This new industry repository will be comprised of blueprint documents, state-specific fact sheets, infographics, press packets and other materials created with the information gathered by the communications taskforce. The resource center will be available to industry stakeholders via a website being developed by Warm Thoughts Communications. After winning the bid for development, Warm Thoughts informed NEFI that it would waive all development costs to further show its commitment to the industry’s efforts. Expect a launch date in late March 2021.
Currently, NEFI is working to collect and report aggregated state and federal level statistics from companies across the industry. This vital information will allow state and regional associations to underscore the value these businesses bring to local economies and communities. As members work with state and local politicians, this information will aid them in helping others to realize the importance of our industry. These statistics will also inform state and federal advocacy efforts for policies and incentives to support the infrastructure and equipment upgrades required for the industry’s renewable transition to lower-carbon Bioheat fuel blends. Additional details are forthcoming.
With the help of all industry stakeholders, a vibrant, thriving liquid renewable heating fuel industry can be achieved for future generations.