Illinois is top soybean-producing state in 2021
Illinois produced more soybeans than any other state once again in 2021. Despite challenges with rain that prolonged harvest for many Illinois farmers, the USDA estimates Illinois soybean farmers raised 672.6 million bushels on 10.51 million harvested acres with an average yield of 64 bushels per acre, up 4 bushels from 2020.
“Even with the challenges presented by supply-chain delays and interruptions, the economy and the weather, Illinois soybean farmers were able to do what they do best—produce a high-quality product abundantly and efficiently,” said Steve Pitstick, soybean farmer and Illinois Soybean Association chairman. “Illinois farmers have gotten really good at making the best of whatever growing challenges confront them, making smart management decisions, and maximizing production opportunities.”
Pitstick also attributes Illinois’ solid production year and consistently profitable growing seasons to ISA’s checkoff funded research and educational opportunities delivered to Illinois farmers. Through data-informed publications, farmer-facing events, and other resources, ISA provides year-round, actionable agronomic advice from crop advisors across the state.
“ISA remains committed to sharing new innovations and technology that help farmers boost profitability, improve ROI, and adopt sustainable practices,” Pitstick said. “We continue to focus on improving soybean productivity and quality through efforts through research, collaboration, and encouraging better business management. This announcement is more than a newsworthy headline, it represents the lineage, hard work and contributions of 43,000 farmers and families. This celebration belongs to every soy grower across the state of Illinois.”