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  • Repsol

Repsol to offer 100% renewable fuel at more than 600 stations on Iberian Peninsula by end of 2024

Photo: Repsol

Spanish energy company Repsol announced Jan. 16 that it will have more than 600 service stations on the Iberian Peninsula supplying 100 percent renewable fuel by the end of 2024.


Repsol currently supplies 100 percent renewable fuel at more than 60 service stations in the main cities and transport corridors of the Iberian Peninsula.


With 46 stations in Spain and 15 in Portugal, the multi-energy company has exceeded the target it set in May when Repsol started supplying at the first three service stations in Madrid, Barcelona and Lisbon, making it the first Spanish company to offer 100 percent renewable fuel to its customers.


In addition, Repsol is launching a new pilot project in three service stations in the city of Madrid to supply 100 percent renewable gasoline, with which it intends to expand its range of renewable products.


The three service stations (Hipódromo, Arturo Soria, and Herrera Oria) are the first in Spain to supply both renewable gasoline and diesel.


The production of 100 percent renewable gasoline is a challenge because the industrial processes are still under development.


The team of researchers at the Repsol Technology Lab has been designing racing gasoline for MotoGP for more than 20 years and has developed this new fuel by transferring the knowledge of high competition to the formulation of the commercial product.


This new fuel is made out of waste from biomass, the agrifood industry and used cooking oils.


“This new target of more than 600 service stations with renewable fuels demonstrates Repsol’s commitment to increasing the range of sustainable technologies for mobility, which helps the customers choose the one that best suits their needs,” said Valero Marín, an executive with Repsol. “Our service stations are prepared to offer our clients any type of energy they need for their mobility, and we want to continue to be their travel companion whether they use an electric car, a car that runs on renewable fuel, or a gas-powered car.”


Repsol has been manufacturing and marketing biofuels for more than two decades, and since 2019, it has been incorporating organic waste in its production.


Renewable fuels are already present in all service stations in Spain in a content of more than 10 percent of the fuels sold, in accordance with current legislation.


In the coming weeks, Repsol will start up in Cartagena, Spain, the first plant in the Iberian Peninsula dedicated exclusively to the production of advanced biofuels from waste.


It will produce 250,000 tons per year, which will avoid the emission of 900,000 tons of CO2 per year.


Likewise, in 2025, Repsol will start up a second facility dedicated exclusively to producing biofuels from waste in Puertollano, which will produce 240,000 tons of renewable fuels annually.


By 2030, Repsol will have a production capacity of more than 2 million tons of renewable fuels, which will position it as a leading company in the production of these fuels in Spain and Europe.


One of the organic residues that Repsol uses as a raw material to produce renewable fuels is used cooking oil.


In recent months Repsol has launched an initiative to collect used cooking oil at its service stations in the Spanish regions of Madrid and Galicia, which will be gradually extended to the rest of the regions in the country.


Thanks to this initiative, Repsol facilitates the sustainable management of this waste and promotes the circular economy.


One liter of used cooking oil produces 0.9 liters of renewable fuel.


Customers can take used cooking oil to any of the more than 300 collection points available at Repsol service stations in Madrid and Galicia.



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