Vibra imports sustainable aviation fuel into Brazil

Vibra, the largest fuel distributor and one of the largest energy companies in Brazil, announced March 25 that it is taking another important step towards decarbonizing the aviation sector, announcing the availability of sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) in the country.
The imported biofuel is now available at the base located at Tom Jobim airport (GIG) in Rio de Janeiro, which recently received certification from the International Sustainability and Carbon Certification System GmbH, which guarantees the sustainability tracking of the entire product supply chain—from raw material through production in the biorefinery, to distribution via the base at Tom Jobim airport (Galeão Base), through BR Aviation, Vibra’s business unit for aircraft-refueling services.
With this initiative, Vibra said it not only consolidates itself as the first company in Brazil to import SAF on a commercial scale but also as a pioneer in making the product available for sale in the domestic market.
Through BR Aviation, Vibra has advanced talks with different commercial- and executive-aviation companies for supply, reinforcing its commitments to the energy transition and meeting the growing demand for more sustainable solutions in the aviation sector.
“Being the first company to bring SAF to Brazil on a commercial scale and make this product available to our customers in the domestic market fills us with pride and reinforces our commitment to decarbonization,” said Marcelo Bragança, Vibra’s executive vice president of operations. “We will continue to make efforts to make the Brazilian energy matrix increasingly stronger and more competitive, serving our customers with the fuel they need.”
SAF is produced from renewable sources and reduces greenhouse-gas emissions by approximately 80 percent compared to conventional aviation fuel, contributing to the construction of a cleaner and more sustainable future.
The product made available by Vibra was produced from used cooking oil (UCO), one of the raw materials with the lowest carbon intensity, since it is a residue.
The entire process, from the search for a supplier, import, certifications, to the blending of SAF with fossil-based aviation fuel at Vibra’s base in Galeão took 10 months of planning and execution, starting right after the first book and claim in Latin America was operationalized, also made possible by Vibra in partnership with Gol in June 2024.
This January, 23 isotanks (tank containers) with approximately 550,000 liters (145,295 gallons) of SAF departed from the port of Antwerp, Belgium, bound for Rio de Janeiro, marking what Vibra said is the beginning of a new era for the sustainable fuels market in Brazil.
The blending of SAF with conventional aviation fuel will initially be in the proportion of 10 percent SAF and 90 percent fossil fuel, contributing to the reduction of carbon emissions on flights fueled by Vibra with this fuel.
Vibra said its pioneering work breaks down important barriers and demonstrates the feasibility of adopting SAF in Brazilian aviation, also providing the development of Vibra’s expertise with the blend and later allowing higher percentages to be added to conventional aviation fuel, up to the limit of 50 percent, as currently permitted by international standards.
Vibra said it is prepared to serve all customers interested in purchasing the product, which is already available for sale, and support the decarbonization of their operations.
“Vibra has established itself as a pioneer by bringing SAF to Brazil, a product that represents the future of aviation fuel and is aligned with the need for decarbonization in the aviation sector,” Bragança said. “With a 60 percent market share in the aviation market, we are leaders not only in the sale of fuels but also in the provision of solutions, innovation and sustainability. As leaders, we are prepared to expand the supply of SAF in the Brazilian market, using our infrastructure in more than 90 airports and our expertise to deliver safe and competitive solutions.”
The sustainability of the operation, from raw materials to aircraft refueling at Galeão, was also possible thanks to obtaining ISCC certification for Vibra’s bases in Cubatão and Galeão.
This certification ensures the traceability and sustainability of the biofuels sold by Vibra, opening doors for the company to operate in new markets, both in import and export, based on very strict environmental standards.
Vibra said it has invested significantly in renewable energy, directing more than USD$1.2 billion to this segment.
The acquisition of Comerc, specialized in integrated energy solutions for decarbonization, further consolidated this positioning, according to Vibra.