Western Australia’s EPA recommends approving BP’s Kwinana refinery-conversion project

The state government of Western Australia’s Environmental Protection Authority has issued a report on BP’s Kwinana Renewable Fuels Project, a proposal to repurpose an old oil refinery for renewable diesel and sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) production, in which the agency flags the selection of a brownfield site as good environmental practice.
The independent EPA has recommended environmental approval for BP’s refinery-conversion project, subject to strict conditions.
EPA Chair Prof. Matthew Tonts said the proposal to redevelop the existing hydrocarbon refining and production infrastructure would facilitate the processing of vegetable oils, animal fats and other biowaste products to process up to 422,675 gallons of biofuel feedstock per day.
“Using a previously disturbed footprint within an industrial area means no clearing of vegetation is required,” Tonts said. “The proponent’s site selection leverages the use of existing pipeline, jetty and tank infrastructure for new operations.”
Tonts said a detailed environmental assessment was required to determine the extent of the proposal’s impact on climate change from greenhouse-gas emissions.
While BP Refinery (Kwinana) Pty Ltd. proposed a linear trajectory of emissions reductions to net zero by 2050, Tonts said EPA had recommended strict conditions to provide ongoing certainty that reductions could be achieved.
“The EPA notes the proposed emissions-reduction trajectory will mitigate approximately 1.45 million tons of CO2-equivalent of scope 1 emissions over the 20-year life of the proposal,” he said. “These reductions are considered reasonably achievable through adoption of emerging technology and the use of offsets.”
The EPA’s report to the minister for environment is now open for a three-week public-appeal period, closing Jan. 23.
Appeals should be directed to the Office of the Appeals Convenor.
The minister for environment will make the final decision on the proposal.
EPA Report 1754 can be found on the EPA website.